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Results for "Robert Bly"
Oh, God! Salutes human responsibility for making the world a better place and takes justifiable pot shots at holier-than-thou hotshots.
Half Moon
Bly and Woodman on Men and Women The perfect catalyst for soul-making by couples or individuals.
Chocolat Robert Nelson Jacob's scene about a priest's definition of goodness influenced by hospitality.
The Electric Horseman An ode to individualism with a cowboy who makes a stand against a corporation and a New York reporter who deems her career to be the most important thing in her life.
An Interview with Tim McCanlies An interview with the director of the film Secondhand Lions.
Secondhand Lions A discussion guide to the movie Secondhand Lions directed by Tim McCanlies. Recommended for people interested in finding spirituality at the movies.
The Marvels and Mysteries of The Da Vinci Code Book reviews and excerpts that discuss the themes of Dan Brown's novel.
The Weekend A compelling drama about grief based on a novel by Peter Cameron.
Values & Visions Circles - Things to Consider Things to keep in mind when planning a Values & Visions Circle: reasons to join, being intentional, people types, commitment, expenses, logistics, distractions, time.