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Results for "grief"
Learning to Accept Grief as a Lifelong Companion Explore obstacles to grieving, revise our narratives, and build resilience so we are better able to hold our sorrow.
Pop Music Spirituality An e-course exploring touches of transcendence in popular music.
Gifts of a Scarred Soul An e-course on how the spiritual challenge of struggle transforms us.
Every Body's Prayer: Expressing Faith through Movement An exploration of the role of movement in personal faith and communal worship.
Creating Sanctuary for Ourselves and Others An exploration of sacred space as both a personal boon and a cultural need that we all have a responsibility to fulfill.
Sacred Presence with the Dying Guidance on how to create a peaceful and sacred environment for a person who is dying.
Practicing Spirituality with Anglicans Thought-provoking quotes and practices from Episcopalian preachers, teachers, and spiritual directors.
Forgiveness: A Growth in Love Instructions in the Prayer of Forgiveness, a divine gift of love that helps us discover our true nature.
Practicing Spirituality with Pema Chodron Teachings on cultivating compassion and joy from a very popular Buddhist writer with an accessible style.
ReStorying Your Life Guidance through "life review" of your history, grief and gratitude, present path, and legacy.