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Results for "grief"
The Gifts of Grief A remarkable documentary in which seven spiritual people share their experiences of grief.
The Book Keepers A keen documentary with spiritual insights into grief and resilience.
In the Bedroom A daring and unsettling film about a few of the complex and taboo emotions of grief.
Under the Sand A powerful portrait of the ways in which grief forces individuals to live in a limbo between the past and the future.
Wind River Powerful crime thriller with fresh insights into grief and how to be a good steward of one's pain.
Jack the Bear A gripping drama about a single parent and his two sons, in which Danny DeVito gives the most compelling performance of his career.
Land A soulful and empowering portrait of grief.
Bounce A heart-affecting film that depiects the transforming experience of loss, guilt, and grief.
Paradise Reveals how only time and love can heal the wounds of grief.
The Stone Boy An extraordinary film with its focus on grief, guilt, and the lamentable dynamics of a family unable to handle or cope with tragedy.