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Results for "silence"
Into Silence Elegant and serene sacred chants performed with beauty and devotion.
Odilon Redon's The Art of Silence A 1911 painting conveying how silence is a portal to the mysterious.
A Voice at the Borders of Silence A rich and rewarding autobiography of this extraordinary man's spiritual journey.
Silence, Song and Shadows A good case for honoring the heart of places.
Sister Wendy's Book of Meditations Perceptive reflections on the spiritual dimensions of art.
Theosony A musician's exploration of grace, listening, and silence in our aural relationship with God.
Sydney Strickland Tully's "The Twilight of Life" (1894) A painting of an elderly woman conveying her quiet approach to aging.
The Essential Snatam Kaur A compilation of eight songs from this mesmerizing devotional singer.
Heartwood Duotone photos matched with mystical poems to convey the deep connection between nature and the soul's delight.
Behold the Beauty of the Lord A substantive assessment of four icons as pathways to the mystery, love, and beauty of God.