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Results for "tradition: %22Judaism%22, latest_content: 1"
Hanukkah Ways to celebrate Hanukkah and the sacred importance of light.
Birthday of Isaac Bashevis Singer Celebrating this Nobel Prize for Literature winner by dipping into his short stories on the mystery of life.
Sukkot Celebrating Sukkot, the Festival of Booths.
For Such a Time as This Reflections and spiritual practices for peace and to acknowledge the complexity of the Israel/Hamas war.
Yom Kippur The meaning of the Jewish day of atonement.
Rosh Hashanah: Shanah Tovah "Good Year" The meaning of the Jewish New Year's festival with links to articles, symbols, and rituals.
Autumn: Reflections on the Season Fall is a season for balancing light and dark, letting go, and accepting the impermanence of things. Here are quotes and recommended resources for reflections on this time of year.
Isaac Luria Day Help to repair the world by raising divine sparks as recommended by this Jewish mystic.
Birthday of Raoul Wallenberg Honoring the risky, selfless courage of Raoul Wallenberg who saved the lives of more than 100,000 Jews during the Nazi occupation of Hungary.
Birthday of Abraham Joshua Heschel (PDP) Quotes to remember the wisdom of this Jewish teacher, theologian, and social activist.