Literary Wisdom

Life for me is a profound, a sacred, a joyous, a mysterious, a soulful dance.
— Anais Nin, French-Cuban-American diarist and novelist

Native American Wisdom

The universe is big enough for all truth. We don't have to destroy someone else's to make room for our own.
— Evan Pritchard in No Word for Time

Psychological Wisdom

The sacred is all around you and no one can stop you from touching the transcendent or drinking from a sacred stream. This is your birthright as a human being.
— David K. Elkins in Beyond Religion

Catholic Wisdom

If we love and desire to give ourselves to God, we are bound to give ourselves to the whole world.
— Evelyn Underhill quoted in Rummaging for God


As long as you live,
keep learning how to live.
— Latin Proverb

Movie Lines

Men should be explorers, no matter how old they are.
— Don Ameche as Art Selwyn in Cocoon


A Prayer for the Road

May you and your car
and any passengers day and night
go safely sober and alert looking out
for any who may endanger you.
May you never rush
for your life is more precious
than any missed appointment.
— Virginia Lang, author of How to Bury a Goldfish

Next Post: The Art of Living Well