"When the world seems a defeat for God and you are sick with the disorder, the violence, the terror, the war on the streets; when the earth seems to be chaos, say to yourself, 'Jesus died and rose again on purpose to save, and his salvation is already with us.' . . .. . .
"Every newly-opened leper-hospital is an act of faith in the resurrection.
"Every peace treaty is an act of faith in the resurrection.
"Every agreed commitment is an act of faith in the resurrection.
"When you forgive your enemy
"When you feed the hungry
"When you defend the weak
"you believe in the resurrection.
"When you have the courage to marry
"When you welcome the newly-born child
"When you build your home
"you believe in the resurrection.
"When you wake at peace in the morning
"When you sing to the rising sun
"When you go to work with joy
"you believe in the resurrection."