• "The challenge of the saints of the twenty-first century is to begin again to comprehend the sacred in the ten thousand things in our world; to reverence what we have come to view as ordinary and devoid of spirit."
    — Edward Hays in Secular Sanctity
  • "A spirituality of everyday life is everything we do, all day long, that builds up the commonwealth of God."
    — Anne Rowthorn in Your Daily Life Is Your Temple

We have a special place in our hearts for those who have the zest, discipline, and resilience to practice everyday spirituality. Hats off to Erik Walker Wikstrom, the editor of this engaging and creative paperback, who has brought together an unusual group of Unitarian Universalist clergy and lay people to share their passions with us.

  • "We all have the potential to come alive through the ordinary, rather than waiting for something extraordinary to awaken our energy and passion."
    — Edward Epse Brown in Sweeping Changes by Gary Thorp
  • "For though we may not live a holy life, we live in a world alive with holy moments. We need only to take the time to bring these moments into the light."
    — Kent Nerburn In Small Graces

Wiksrom is the Lead Minister at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is the author of Serving With Grace: Lay Leadership as A Spiritual Practice and Simply Pray: A Modern Spiritual Practice to Deepen Your Life. He has divided the paperback into three sections:

  • Practices Born in Tradition, which includes essays on praying, going on a retreat, tending an altar, working with prayer-beads, finding a teacher, making the most of being in a dressing room, and walking the labyrinth.
  • Practices Born in Play, such as blowing bubbles, doing Instagram as spiritual practice, and participating in roller derby competitions.
  • Practices Born in Daily Life, including the art of chopping for meals, being a friend, learning and playing music, walking as a spiritual discipline, making art and creating community, and collecting joy.