Ways of practicing Yearning include reading mystical poetry, wishing rituals, expressing desires, Tantric sex, and the specific practices below.

Incorporate little rituals into your activities that enable you to freely express your desires. Wish on birthday candles or the last bite of pie. Build a "wishing wall" in your community where people add a stone to symbolize something they yearn for. Explain that the desire can be individual or communal but joining your desire to others may make its fulfillment more likely.

Communing with Nature by Tom Cowan connects the pulling, longing, and yearning in you with the pulling, longing, and yearning within the whole Earth.

Daily Renewal by Jane Vennard directs us to reflect on our own longing to draw closer to God and renew our souls.

Holy Desires by Anthony de Mello gives a meditation for placing your prayers and holy desires before God.

Remembrance of the Name by Anthony de Mello explains how the ceaseless repetition of the name of Jesus can fulfill our every desire.

Renunciation Practice by Ram Dass explores attachment to desires, which can be a shadow element of yearning.

Spiritual Hunger by Elizabeth Lesser explores our spiritual longing.

More Spiritual Practices about Yearning