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Results for "practice: Joy"
Lean In, Lighten Up and Let Go An interactive online retreat to encourage a life of prayer and practice both on the chair and in daily life.
ReStorying Your Life Guidance through "life review" of your history, grief and gratitude, present path, and legacy.
Becoming a Wise Elder A journey through eight gates, each with its own gift, task, and challenge, on the way to becoming wise people.
The Practice of Finding Spiritual reflections and practices to help you know that the gifts we have received are more cherished than the ones you’ve been seeking.
Poetry E-Courses Poems, commentaries, and suggested practices to start the New Year — or any time.
The Holy Fool A chance to lighten up your spiritual life by embracing mistakes, imperfection, and silly possibilities.
Wisdom for Living: The Parables of Jesus An exploration of the wise and revolutionary teachings of Jesus through the lens of the parables.
Practicing Spirituality with Jews Quotes and practices that reinforce this tradition's emphasis on the sacredness of everyday life.
A Universal Christmas Embracing the wonder and magic of the Christmas spirit.
Wisdom for Advent and Christmas Quotes to assure our hearts during the Christian holy days.