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Results for "practice: Kindness"
Lean In, Lighten Up and Let Go An interactive online retreat to encourage a life of prayer and practice both on the chair and in daily life.
Working with Worry A treasure trove of insights and practices for giving worry less air time.
Poetry to Transform Your Life A month's worth of poems to transport you into a world full of awe, wonder, marvel, deep sorrow, or joy.
ReStorying Your Life Guidance through "life review" of your history, grief and gratitude, present path, and legacy.
Practicing Spirituality with Protestants Progressive Protestant teachings on love, justice, prayer, and social action.
Practicing Spirituality with Sharon Salzberg An accomplished Buddhist teacher unfolds the riches of meditation.
Practicing Spirituality with Sufis An awesome compendium of wisdom, both practical and profound, from the mystical expression of Islam.
Spiritual Literacy Films, reflections, and practice prompts to deepen your awareness of everyday spirituality.
Lovingkindness Meditation Step-by-step instructions in the classic Buddhist practice for being kind in expanding circles, starting with yourself.
Practicing Spirituality with Jews Quotes and practices that reinforce this tradition's emphasis on the sacredness of everyday life.