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Results for "practice: Reverence"
Practicing Spirituality in Nature A celebration of the Divine in the natural world.
Ninety-Nine Names of God A journey of discovery and renewal with the Qualities of God revered in Islam/Sufism.
Practicing Spirituality with Hindus A view into the experiential heart of the world's oldest living religion.
Finding Peace in Turbulent Times An exploration of why peace has been elusive and how we can find it in our lives and the world.
Practicing Spirituality with Jews Quotes and practices that reinforce this tradition's emphasis on the sacredness of everyday life.
Practicing Spirituality with Edward Hays - Lenten Edition New ways to connect with the Divine in the midst of our hectic and hurried lives.
The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers Wisdom from people of God who lived out a spirituality that still resonates strongly for us today.
A Renaissance of Rituals An array of rituals that ground our yearnings and our devotion in concrete activities.
Everyday Mysticism A holiday season array of quotes about contemplation, communion, and doing our part to mend the world.
Wisdom for Advent and Christmas Quotes to assure our hearts during the Christian holy days.