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Results for "practice: Teachers"
Practicing Spirituality in Nature A celebration of the Divine in the natural world.
The Spirituality of St. Francis A spiritual journey to see how the spirit of Francis of Assisi has the power to liberate our lives today.
Living Your Legacy: Seeds, Blossoms, Fruits Ways to be intentional about the legacy you live and leave to your family, colleagues, and community.
The Wisdom of Muhammad A welcoming study of the compassionate, flexible, and noble character of the Prophet Muhammad.
The Wisdom of the Rebbes A retreat on four ways to God embraced by Hasidism: wisdom, study, faith, and humility.
Wisdom for Living: The Parables of Jesus An exploration of the wise and revolutionary teachings of Jesus through the lens of the parables.
The Spirituality of the Gospels Fresh interpretations of intelligent, challenging, and incredibly inspiring gospel texts.
The Sage's Tao Te Ching Teachings on the sage as a model for a life of spirited freedom, contentment, wisdom, and playfulness.
Becoming a Wise Elder A journey through eight gates, each with its own gift, task, and challenge, on the way to becoming wise people.
Practicing Spirituality with Eknath Easwaran A path of love and service to explore with a pioneer of interspirituality.