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Results for "Transformation"
Mona Lisa Smile Pays tribute to a bohemian teacher who tests her idealism in the conservative milieu of Wellesley College.
Angel Eyes An unusual romantic drama about a female Chicago police officer and a homeless man who are both trying to come to terms with loss and become lifelines to each other.
A Cooler Climate Presents a fascinating look at how difficult it is for middle-agers to start their lives over from scratch.
She's All That A spiffy comedy about an adorable underdog.
A Civil Action This David versus Goliath courtroom drama has just the right mixture of legal debate and emotional vibrancy.
Dear God In its own light-hearted way, makes a good case for the spiritual benefits of service.
American Heart A gritty tale about a down-and-out father and son who inch toward a loving relationship.
Echoes of Paradise A riveting tale of spiritual transformation that dashes the myth of island paradises and the dream of an existence unencumbered by adult responsibilities.
Turtle Diary A small, idiosyncratic uplifting movie about two people who try to change their lives though an adventuresome project.
Doctor Detroit A sassy comic tale about transformation.