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Results for "content_type: "Affirmation""
Affirmations for Health, Well-being and Self-esteem Affirmations for a holy relationship with ourselves, God, and everyone we meet.
Joy An affirmation and meditational prayer on the spiritual practice of joy.
Vibrantly Alive An affirmation to permeate you and your day with zest for life.
Expressing Hope Using sacred texts and affirmations to express your hopes for a better world.
Trusting Our Inherent Goodness Reflections on our natural desire to express goodness, and the wisdom and compassion that flows from it.
Reframing Apparent Defeat A meditation on the transformational benefit of failure and obstacles.
Watering the Plants An affirmation that deepens a household task.
Waking Up Practice A vow to live fully in each moment of the day.
You Deserve a Breakthrough Persevering through breakdowns and breakups.
Sacred Space Within Honoring your body.