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Results for "for_children: n, latest_content: 1, main_practice: Questing=, submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book"
Medicine Walk An outward and inward pilgrimage towards wisdom, understanding, and forgiveness.
One Drum Indigenous ceremonies and wisdom from an Ojibway teacher, accessible for any spiritual seeker.
Julian of Norwich, Theologian Exemplary examination of theological themes in the writings of an important late medieval English woman.
Sacred Inquiry Questing and openness are family.
The National Road A captivating collection of essays about the national character of the United States.
The Sirens of Mars A scientist's enthusiastic overview of why humans keep trying to reach Mars.
The Rumi Prescription An invitation to join the author on a mystical and healing journey of love with Rumi.
Breathing as Spiritual Practice Instructions for a breathing practice that can be adapted by people of all spiritual traditions.
Science and Spiritual Practices A biologist's adventures making connections between science and religion.
The Galapagos Islands A spiritual writer's transformation during a visit to the famous islands.