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Results for "keyword: "magic""
Never recapture the full magic of first love Never recapture the full magic of first love
Questions about yourself, the people around you, and the world Questions about yourself, the people around you, and the world
What I Saw as a Child A reflection on the reality of living in a spirit world.
How may I serve How may I serve
Brings you into a closer contact with the huge mystery Brings you into a closer contact with the huge mystery
Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez A masterful documentary on the life and work of the most popular literary figure in Latin America.
The artist persists because he has the will The artist persists because he has the will
Mystical Places Beautifully illustrated guide to the stories and distinctive features of 25 places that will awaken your wonder.
A Child of Books A fresh and creative reading experience about two children who roam the world of stories.
Milarepa: Magician, Murderer, Saint A parabolic film about the early life of the Tibetan Buddhist saint Milarepa that works as a teaching story about the futility and emptiness of violence and revenge.