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Results for "practice: Devotion"
Prajna Earth: Journey into Sacred Nature A visually stunning portrait of the devotional lives of Buddhists and Hindus in Cambodia, Bali, and Java.
Yangsi An astonishing documentary about the 14 year spiritual journey of a reincarnated Tibetan lama
Dharma River Visually stunning documentary about the importance of sacred sites in Buddhism.
Mr. Holland's Opus A discussion guide to the movie "Mr. Holland's Opus" directed by Stephen Herek. Recommended for people interested in finding spirituality at the movies.
Fill the Void A rare and illuminating glimpse of contemporary Hasidic life against the backdrop of ritual, Purim, marriage, and death.
Koran by Heart Profiles of three very young participants in a prestigious Koran recitation contest in Cairo.
Oh My God? A gorgeously filmed documentary that takes us to 23 countries and conveys the diverse paths to God in the world's major religions.
Into Great Silence An exquisite meditative journey inside a Carthusian monastery where silence is practiced as a way of honoring the mystery and the majesty of God.
A Stranger Among Us A lonely and workaholic cop who goes undercover in a Hasidic community and finds her soul challenged in the process.
The Tree of Wooden Clogs An Italian masterpiece that elegantly and effortlessly depicts the natural rhythms of life in a rural community in the nineteenth century.