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Results for "practice: Meaning"
Myth and Psyche On-Demand: E-course on how myths are the powerful mysteries that infuse and shape our lives.
Contemplative Writing 52 emails (a year's worth) with prompts and ways to practice writing reflectively.
The Essence of the Qur'an Commentaries on passages from Islam's holy book about universal spiritual principles that can guide our hearts.
Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Moore Ways to care for your soul through teachings steeped in mythology, psychology, and philosophy.
Living Your Legacy: Seeds, Blossoms, Fruits Ways to be intentional about the legacy you live and leave to your family, colleagues, and community.
Spiritual Gifts from the Imaginal Realm A 13-part program exploring the lost art of imaginal exchange — i.e., the giving and receiving of spiritual nurturance.
Twenty Strategies for Healing Recovering life's wholeness and holiness.
The Spiritual Legacy of Reb Zalman An exploration of the life and thought of the grandfather of the Jewish Renewal movement.
We the People Book Club Twelve books exploring themes of democracy.
Navigating Life's Transitions Understandings, practices, and rituals to support you through life changes.