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Results for "practice: Wonder"
Where Growth Comes From Literary Wisdom Variety is the pledge that matter makes to living things. — Diane Ackerman in Deep Play
On the Edge of a Maybe Happy New Year. Here's a prayer I return to often at moments of transition, beginning, and renewal. It's by Ted Loder from his book Guerillas of Grace.
To Stand in Awe  Breath Prayer Breathing in: I stand in awe . . . Breathing out: of all creation
Feeling Short on Time? Try Something Awe-Inspiring According to an article by Stacy Kennelly published on the Yes Magazine website, a new study shows that experiences of awe ("the feeling we get when we come across something so strikingly vast in nu…
Mixed Feelings about Watching Animals We are not surprised by the large role pictures and videos of cute, beautiful, and silly animals (usually cats and dogs) play on the social media. Some people genuinely adore their animal companions…
A Mini-Map of My Hands You can tell quite a bit about a person's life and personality by looking at their hands. I have often thought but never said aloud that my hands are one of my best features. When we were living in …
50 Years of the Same Street In our book Spiritual Literacy, we recounted a scene from the movie Smoke. Auggie owns a cigar store in Brooklyn and every morning at 8 a.m., he takes a photograph of his special place on Earth from…
When All the Leaves Are Gone “In November, the trees are standing all sticks and bones. Without their leaves, how lovely they are, spreading their arms like dancers. They know it is time to be still.” ― Cynthia Rylant
Reclaiming Wonder I was perusing the courses offered by the School of Life in London, England, when I came across a promotion for "Reclaiming Wonder." The teacher was listed as Francesco Dimitri, a novelist and fanta…
Radical Amazement: Nature and the Spiritual Life of Children In an essay written on his blog, Richard Louv writes about his desire to share with his children the glory of witnessing a sunrise on a mountain. He feels that this experience can be "a window to so…