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Results for "keyword: "envy""
Lasting conflict, envy, and hate fix themselves Lasting conflict, envy, and hate fix themselves
Altruistic Joy A guided meditation to foster happiness, gladness, delight, and generosity.
The Exuberant Joy of Others Gratefully delighting in people's unbridled happiness.
Let Go Buddhist ideas on the value and problem of making comparisons.
Happiness Here and Now An excellent primer on the spiritual benefits of interfaith dialogue,
Accept Your Body Appreciating yourself as you are.
Oddrey and the New Kid A story about how a girl who is accustomed to standing out reacts when a new girl grabs the attention of classmates.
Breakdown A nifty morality play about the invidious vices of envy and showing off.
Ending Envy Cultural contributions to our tendency to envy what others have and two ways to end it: stop comparing and practice gratitude.
Awakening Compassion An audio retreat on the Tibetan Buddhist practice of mind training.