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Results for "practice: Beauty"
The Japanese Way of the Flower H. E. Davey and Ann Kameoka on the aesthetic of the Japanese art of flower arrangement.
The Language of Life Jane Kenyon's poem "Peonies at Dusk."
The 12 Keys to Spiritual Vitality Richard Johnson on seeing beauty that lies within us as we age.
Zen and the Art of Making a Living Laurence G. Boldt on how we can learn to work beautifully.
Celtic Christian Spirituality Celtic Christian Thomas Jones on a bird's impromptu sermon.
American Plastic Laurie Essig on buying beauty as an all-American activity.
The Compassionate Life Beauty as about giving.
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The Poetry of Zen Editors Sam Hamill and J. P. Seaton on the beauty of opposites which is present in both Zen and Taoism.
Wabi Sabi Andrew Juniper on the beauty of the Japanese aesthetic of wabi sabi, which has been called the art of impermanence.