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Results for "content_type: "Practicing Democracy Project""
Resmaa Menakem A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Resmaa Menakem, author and psychotherapist specializing in the effects of trauma on the human body.
Eboo Patel A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Eboo Patel, founder of Interfaith Youth Core.
Gregory C. Ellison II A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Gregory C. Ellison II, founder of Fearless Dialogues.
Diana Butler Bass A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Diana Butler Bass, author and independent scholar of American religious history.
Jacob Needleman A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Jacob Needleman, a professor of philosophy at San Francisco State University, and former director of the Center for the Stu…
Daniel Berrigan A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Daniel Berrigan, a Catholic priest, teacher, poet, and retreat leader; internationally known as a nonviolent peace and just…
Peter J. Gomes A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions of spirituality of Peter Gomes, distinguished preacher, and professor of Christian morals at Harvard University.
Robert N. Bellah A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Robert Bellah, author, teacher, and sociologist.
William Sloane Coffin A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of William Sloane Coffin, Protestant minister and activist for social justice, known for his inspiring sermons and prophetic c…
Thomas Merton A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Thomas Merton (1915-1968), pathfinder for the Christian contemplative spirituality movement, pioneer of interspirituality a…