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Results for "content_type: Elder Spirituality Project"
Living Your Legacy: Seeds, Blossoms, Fruits Ways to be intentional about the legacy you live and leave to your family, colleagues, and community.
Becoming a Wise Elder A journey through eight gates, each with its own gift, task, and challenge, on the way to becoming wise people.
ReStorying Your Life Guidance through "life review" of your history, grief and gratitude, present path, and legacy.
Spiritual Elder Activism An e-course for those who want to synthesize their life experiences into a legacy for future generations.
Moving Beyond Life's Hurts A guided journey in healing painful memories and relationships.
Navigating Life's Transitions Understandings, practices, and rituals to support you through life changes.
Soulful Aging An e-course on aging as the positive lifelong process of becoming a person.
Learning to Accept Grief as a Lifelong Companion Explore obstacles to grieving, revise our narratives, and build resilience so we are better able to hold our sorrow.
Sacred Presence with the Dying Guidance on how to create a peaceful and sacred environment for a person who is dying.
Making Peace with Death and Dying Insights into the social, psychological, physical, and spiritual dimensions of facing our mortality.