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Results for "keyword: "control""
Generation WTF Christine B. Whelan on how it's helpful to have bright lines delineating what we can and can't do whenever we try to change.
One Nation Under Stress Dana Becker on how the concept of stress can change how we think and act.
Sacred Time and the Search for Meaning Gary Eberle on the different meanings of time reflected by ancient books of hours and modern daily planners.
The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa: Volume Five Chogyam Trungpa's crazy wisdom in terms of the benefit of giving up hope.
Losing Reality An analysis of the far-reaching effects of leaders who lust after control of others.
The Art of Grace The importance of self-control for beautiful behavior and control of the heart.
The Wisdom Project A passage from Douglas Adams' novel about the wisdom of dolphins.
Drops Like Stars Rob Bell on how God transforms all our failures and disappointments.
Marvelously Made Mary C. Earle on giving your body the loving look of the contemplative life.
The Power of Kabbalah Yehuda Berg on bringing fulfillment to our lives by transforming our natures.