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Results for "keyword: %22energy%22"
A Costa Rican shaman in Wishing Well Wishing well is being
Alice Walker in The Sacred Impulse I get energy from the Earth
Catherine Ingram in Passionate Presence The force of love is
20's An exercise to release the energy of trauma from the body so you can be grounded, present, and connected with other people.
Jon Kabat-Zinn in Wherever You Go, There You Are Initiate giving
Gathering Ourselves Together An exercise to restore calm.
Almost Done A wise perspective about intense difficulty as a prelude to change.
Use a Mantra Encouragement to find and use a word or phrase that is heartening to you.
Practice Gratitude Tips for cultivating energy through counting your blessings and noticing the goodness.
Matthew Fox in Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh Milk-toast-ness is a sin