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Results for "keyword: %22freedom%22"
Exploring Selected Poems of Walt Whitman and Maya Angelou Practicing democracy through the wisdom of two highly acclaimed U.S. poets.
The Gospel of Thomas A complete "starter kit" on this remarkable text considered to be the earliest of Jesus' wisdom teachings.
Exploring The Underground Railroad Themes and practices for Colson Whitehead's powerful contribution to the literary tradition of the slave narrative.
Presence - Relationship with Divine Love Practices from fourteen centuries of Sufi wisdom universally relevant across spiritual traditions.
The Liberating Promise of Mindfulness Teachings about moment-to-moment awareness, a Buddhist practice that can dramatically enhance the way we live.
Exploring Their Eyes Were Watching God Themes and practices for Zora Neale Hurston's book about a black woman's struggle to prevail over discrimination.
The Way of the Spiritually Independent An email retreat for the growing number of seekers without borders drawn to wisdom wherever it may be found.
Spiritual Practices from the Gurdjieff Work A practical exploration of the enigmatic teacher's transformative practices for attention and self-remembering.
The Sage's Tao Te Ching Teachings on the sage as a model for a life of spirited freedom, contentment, wisdom, and playfulness.
Breaking Free: Liberation through Interfaith Dialogue A look at issues we face in a pluralistic society and ways to transcend roadblocks to effective collaboration.