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Results for "keyword: %22mantra%22"
A Reminder A prompt to affirm our unity with everyone we see when we're out and about.
Teilhard de Chardin Day Quotations and a mantra from the writings of the French Jesuit theologian and visionary.
Hang Sah Breathing A simple, effective breathing exercise.
Come Lord John Main on the ideal form of Christian meditation.
God's Life A mantra suggestion from Richard Rohr.
Use a Mantra Encouragement to find and use a word or phrase that is heartening to you.
Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha Explanation of a mantra used to ward off disease and for healing for those who are sick.
John Main Day A day to try the Christian meditation practice of Benedictine John Main.
Thich Nhat Hanh in Stepping into Freedom Water flows over these hands
Dean Sluyter in The Zen Commandments Scrawl it on your wall