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Results for "keyword: %22perspective%22"
Blending Two Perspectives By Kushan V. Mehta Throughout the time that humans have inhabited the planet, many have pondered life’s big questions. One that puzzles all of us even today is, “What is our aim on this plan…
Chilly Mornings, Warm Souls: Stories from the Prahran Winter Breakfast Artwork by: Nikita Zinoviev, age 16 Written by: Vincent Chang The dawn had barely broken.
Meanings in Life Teacher Wisdom Sabbath is an incubator for wisdom. When we allow the rush and pressure of our days to fall away, even for a short time, we are more able to discern the essential truth of what lie…
A Matter of Perspective By Aditya Naik for KidSpirit's Creation and Destruction issue. Can something be both creative and destructive? You may never have thought about that question. Your spontaneous answer might be…
"F" is for Forgiveness "Forgiveness is the only way to free ourselves from the entrapment of the past." — Richard Rohr I was recently approached by a young mother who told me that she was having trouble with f…
Why Are We Resilient? By Vanita Sharma for KidSpirit's Resilience issue. Landing on my high school’s junior varsity tennis team for the third time in a row was devastating. After spending hours, even years, …
Spiritual Progress Literary Wisdom You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars: you have a right to be here. — Max Ehrmann, American writer and poet
What God Is By Hannah Berkowitz for KidSpirit’s issue on The Word. When I was 13, in the midst of preparing for my bat mitzvah, I decided I didn't believe in God. I walked into my rabbi's office for our we…
Kindness, Care, and Consideration in an Apartment Community Practicing democracy in a diverse community does not need to be stressful or tense. At the small apartment complex in Southern California where I live, 19 residents engaged in enjoyable practices ro…
Can Spiritual Practice Strengthen Democracy? On November 19, 2019, students, staff, and faculty from the Graduate Theological Union and wider Berkeley, California, community came together for a workshop on democracy. Through rituals and conver…