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Results for "keyword: %22racism%22"
Exploring The Sympathizer Themes and practices for Viet Thanh Nguyen's Pulitzer-Prize-winning social satire.
Exploring Ceremony Themes and practices for Leslie Marmon Silko's novel about loss, discovery, and healing on a Laguna reservation in New Mexico.
Exploring The Fire Next Time and Between the World and Me Themes and practices for James Baldwin's powerful letters about emancipation and Ta-Nehisi Coates' revelatory personal narrative to his son.
Exploring Puddnhead Wilson Themes and practices for Mark Twain's satirical novel exploring race, identity, nobility, provinciality, convention, and violence.
Exploring The Underground Railroad Themes and practices for Colson Whitehead's powerful contribution to the literary tradition of the slave narrative.
Exploring Their Eyes Were Watching God Themes and practices for Zora Neale Hurston's book about a black woman's struggle to prevail over discrimination.