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Results for "keyword: %22resilience%22"
The Woman's Book of Resilience Strategies for bouncing back from setbacks, disappointments, and tragedies.
The Gifts of Imperfection Brene Brown on spirituality as a spur to being resilient in hard times.
Fast Future David D. Burstein on the resiliency of the Millennial generation.
A Stone Bridge North Kate Maloy on trees as spiritual teachers.
Brave Parenting A presentation of the essentials of transformational parenting.
The Lakota Way of Strength and Courage Joseph Marshall III on resiliency as a stay against hardship and troubles.
Resilience A brain-training program with experiential and increasingly complex exercises for responding to stress.
Grieving -- The Sacred Art A sensitive treatment of conscious grieving.
Two Little Birds An edifying book about the challenges faced by two little plucky and resilient birds on their first migration journey.
The Myth of Stress A helpful reframing of the causes of stress along with a process to transform and reduce it.