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Why People Don't Have Hobbies Tim Wu's excellent opinion piece last fall in The New York Times, "In Praise of Mediocrity," has stuck with me because he talks about why people don't have a hobby — and I am one of those people. …
The Incivility of Being Late You probably have a relative or friend who is chronically late. Some psychological studies claim that not being on time for a social engagement or business meeting is typical of a narcissistic perso…
My Cold, My Spiritual Teacher It's that time of year again. The cold and flu season is in full swing. It is amazing that we can put a remote controlled vehicle on Mars and probe the bottom of the deepest seas and still can't cur…
How To Change Someone's Mind In this fascinating article by Elizabeth Svoboda on Greater Good Magazine's website, she takes a brisk look at the reasons why it is so hard for us to change people's minds. Deeply held beliefs are …
Don't Miss the Party Slogan How do you spell relief? — Rolaids advertisement Taoist Wisdom Those who are open-eyed are open-minded; those who are open-minded are open-hearted. — Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Chi…
Ursula Le Guin, An Appreciation Writer Ursula Le Guin died on January 22, 2018; she was 88. She believed that the imagination is "the single most useful tool humankind possesses." She certainly proved that to be true, turning the …
On Reading These past weeks we have been shelving in our library the books we reviewed in 2016 and organizing the ones that have come in for review in 2017. So the subject of how reading helps us find meaning …
Moments of Happiness Mystic Wisdom It only takes a moment for God to enrich you. — Thomas Keating in Active Meditations for Contemplative Prayer
Can't Remember Books, Movies, and TV Shows? There used to be a time when information junkies like us could read a book, watch a movie, or a TV show and the next day share all about the storyline with family, friends, or colleagues. In a fasci…
Always a Beginning New Year's is my favorite holiday. It's a day to do rituals, count blessings, and set intentions. Here's a favorite poem for today. Nothing Is Ever Lost Always there is a beginning — a n…