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Results for "main_practice: "Shadow", latest_content: 1"
A Prayer to Quit Protecting Handguns Before Protecting Children Great Heart of Love, help us to do everything possible to stop the senseless deaths of children who often have easy access to guns in the home. Fact: Every day, an average of 20 American children…
Unleashing America's Shadow "With media complicity, Trump has unleashed the beast that has long resided not far from the American hearth, from those who started a Civil War to preserve the right to enslave a fellow human to th…
Weaving the Shadow: A Lenten Reflection Dark Shadows When I was thirteen, my friend Debra and I would walk to her house after school, plop down on the floor in front of the TV and glue our eyes on the spooky soap opera Dark Shadows.
Reflecting on Narcissism "Imagine a country where everyone acts like a reality show contestant — obsessed with power, status and appearance, and is comfortable manipulating others for their personal gain. 'I'm here to win…
The Whitney Plantation Forty-six miles west of New Orleans, near Wallace, Louisiana, in St. John the Baptist Parish situated on the west bank of the Mississippi River, you will find The Whitney Plantation. It was establis…
No Man's Land By Heer Cheema for KidSpirit's Unity and Division issue. They are restless, moving backward and forward, surrounded by a miasma of uncertainty and despair. Sleeping in airports, caught in transit…
Nearly Two People By Olivia Baliey Someday, everyone you love will die. You probably stared at that sentence for a minute, didn’t you? What a way to begin an article. So morbid. So terrible and cruel.
An Internet Sabbath Here's something to think about. Could you stay offline for a day – perhaps by taking an Internet Sabbath? Could you still do your job? Would your family and friends worry about you? How would you…
A Lamentation over Burned Crops Crop fires have become a weapon of war in Iraq and Syria. An article on Morning Ag Clips reports that farmers were looking forward to the best harvest since war began across the region, but now once…
A Blow to the Belly of Consumerism In an article on CNNMoney, Chris Isidore notes that malls are doomed; between 20% and 25% of American malls will close within five years, according to a new report from Credit Suisse. Estimates are …