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Results for "Holiness"
Practicing Spirituality with His Holiness the Dalai Lama A study of the religion of kindness with Nobel laureate and revered leader Tenzin Gyatso.
Twenty Strategies for Healing Recovering life's wholeness and holiness.
The Spirituality of St. Francis A spiritual journey to see how the spirit of Francis of Assisi has the power to liberate our lives today.
Utmost Charity: A Call to Deeper Love On Demand: An exploration of how we can live an inside-out life rooted and grounded in Love and for Love.
Celtic Spirituality An e-course exploring Celtic wisdom and poetry
Practicing Spirituality with Jews Quotes and practices that reinforce this tradition's emphasis on the sacredness of everyday life.
The Spiritual Legacy of Reb Zalman An exploration of the life and thought of the grandfather of the Jewish Renewal movement.
World Wisdom Passages to reflect upon from the mystic heart of the world's religions.
Pilgrimage as a Journey of the Heart An exploration of many dimensions of pilgrimages for those called to the journey today.
The Gospel of Thomas A complete "starter kit" on this remarkable text considered to be the earliest of Jesus' wisdom teachings.