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Results for "InterSpiritual"
InterSpiritual Meditation Key understandings behind and instructions for a universal seven-step practice drawn from the world's spiritual traditions.
InterSpiritual Wisdom An opportunity to study sacred texts from different traditions under the guidance of six pioneers of InterSpirituality.
Practicing Spirituality with the World's Religions An exploration of interspirituality — the commonalities among the religions.
Ways to Pray from Around the World How to incorporate 12 creative spiritual practices from different cultures and religious traditions into your prayer life.
Crazy Wisdom An interview with Rabbi Rami Shapiro about his e-course on the crazy wisdom of the ancient Hasidic rebbes and how they speak to our times.
Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Merton Wisdom from an extraordinary Trappist monk, writer, civil rights activist, and peacemaker.
Practicing Spirituality with Eknath Easwaran A path of love and service to explore with a pioneer of interspirituality.
Practicing Spirituality with Anthony de Mello A 40-day exploration of the wisdom stories and spiritual practices of the renowned Indian spiritual director.
Remembrance - The Spiritual Practice of Zhikr A Sufi practice to develop continuous awareness of divine support through the knowing of the heart.
Centering Prayer Teachings about a no-frills form of meditation which reconnects directly to Christianity’s hidden treasury of mystical wisdom.