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Results for "Rumi"
Practicing Spirituality with Rumi An opportunity to polish your heart with the poetry of the Sufi master.
Rumi - Living a Spiritual Life Commentaries and audio meditations revealing the universal spiritual teaching in Rumi's unforgettable metaphors.
Remembrance - The Spiritual Practice of Zhikr A Sufi practice to develop continuous awareness of divine support through the knowing of the heart.
Poetry to Transform Your Life A month's worth of poems to transport you into a world full of awe, wonder, marvel, deep sorrow, or joy.
Poetry to Lift Your Spirits A month's worth of poems celebrating an upwelling of life and spirit.
Wisdom Stories from the Sufi Tradition Sufi stories that serve as multidimensional symbols for the education of the soul.
Poetry to Nourish the Soul A month's worth of poems to deepen your sense of peace, balance, love, and joy.
Poetry E-Courses Poems, commentaries, and suggested practices to start the New Year — or any time.
The Essence of the Qur'an Commentaries on passages from Islam's holy book about universal spiritual principles that can guide our hearts.