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Results for "gratitude"
Gratitude for Nuts O Great Nourisher, we give thanks for nuts from trees. Study: Eating nuts can reduce your risk of dying from cancer, heart disease, and several other ailments, according to Harvard research publi…
Gratitude Ritual The first full ritual of our ritual salon focused on gratitude. It was November, the month of Thanksgiving in the United States, so that was an obvious connection. Gratitude seemed like a good begin…
"G" Is for Gratitude "It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” — David Steindl-Rast Say Thank You to a Tree Here in the Midwest, mid-November is a season of rauco…
Gratitude to Robert Bly Robert Bly, who died November 21, 2021, at the age of 94, had a tremendous impact on our spiritual lives and, we suspect, on the spiritual journeys of many of our website visitors. Here's a profile …
A Prayer of Gratitude for Diversity in Marriage Hope Through the Ages, we are so grateful for the good news that many of the old walls and prejudices which have kept lovers apart have fallen by the wayside. Fact: Some 15.5 % of all new marria…
A Prayer of Gratitude for Bayan Claremont Bestower of Authenticity, thank you for people courageous enough to stand on principle even when it means risking the loss of needed funds. Our team at Spirituality & Practice is grateful and honore…
A Prayer for Protection of Sacred Lands and Waters Great Spirit, you have created a beautiful world for us to live in. You have sent rains and snow to fill our rivers. You have made the land rich in nutrients for our plants and animals. We want to s…
Listening to Teachers Catholic Wisdom The real dance is when the soul takes God into its arms and you both fall onto your knees in gratitude. — St John of the Cross in Mala of the Heart edited by Ravi Nathwani and…
Reflection Harvest Ritual For a gathering of our Ritual Salon in the early fall I wanted to find a way to get in touch with the season. Traditionally the fall is a time of celebrating the harvest: honoring seeds sown earlier…
This Old Heart of Mine "Work of the eyes is done, now go and do heart work." – Rainer Maria Rilke My heart is a marvelous fist-size pumping organ whose chief physical duty is to deliver oxygen-rich blood to …