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Results for "tradition: "Psychology""
The Cost of Paying Attention "Attention is a resource; a person has only so much of it," writes Matthew B. Crawford at He wonders if it would help to envision an "attentional commons" where this precious resource w…
The Multiple Benefits of Optimism In an article in The Guardian, Luisa Dillner states that optimism is linked to health benefits and makes people more resilient. A recent paper in the American Journal of Epidemiology shares the find…
Reflecting on Narcissism "Imagine a country where everyone acts like a reality show contestant — obsessed with power, status and appearance, and is comfortable manipulating others for their personal gain. 'I'm here to win…
Mental Illness Crisis Early in 2014, Nicolas Kristof declared in his New York Times column that mental health was one of the most systematically neglected issues in the United States, given the fact the National Institut…
Listening Is More Needed Now Than Ever In an article on, Olaf Werder points out that in today's polarized milieu, dialogue between people has given way to "parallel monologues, paired with an inability to listen." Man…
Dealing with Resilience Fatigue In a Wall Street Journal article dated February1, 2022, "Still Feeling Pandemic Miserable? There Are Ways to Dig Out," Alex Janin takes a cogent look at the findings of the General Social Survey con…
A Practice for Perfectionists Perfectionism is both a curse and a blessing. Mainly a curse, in my experience. But there is that inescapable reality that perfectionists grace our human landscape for a reason. It is my fervent hop…
How a Password Changed One Man's Life for the Better In an article on GoodNewsNetwork, Maurico Estrella writes about being in a funk over his divorce. Then, to make matters worse, he arrived at the office to find the monthly directive to change the pa…
Embracing Boredom Whenever I think about boredom, I tend to picture a lousy and negative state of mind that brings me down. In an article for, David Robson points out that research on this behavior has found …
A Data Driven Life Benjamin Franklin was very interested in monitoring his daily movements and activities. His goal was to progress in the development of 13 virtues including frugality, silence, and moderation. In an …