• Becoming Zero: The Power of Humility
    by Brad at Street Retreat
    Humility may initially seem like an expression of weakness, yet ultimately it is a source of great strength. From humility develops deep appreciation and reverence for life, and also an embrace of all that we do not know.
  • Good Troublemakers
    by Ruth Braunstein
    Today, as political arrogance and partisan polarization threaten to engulf our public life, it is crucial that we recover the political skills, spaces, and practices that encourage greater humility. But groups who are oppressed or marginalized rightfully distrust humility practices.
  • How Humility Will Make You the Greatest Person Ever
    by Vicki Zakrzewski
    Truly humble people can be fully present to us because they see and accept their own strengths and limitations without defensiveness or judgment — a core dimension of humility, according to researchers, and one that cultivates a powerful compassion for humanity.
  • How to Practice Humility
    by WikiHow Contributors
    Step by step, you can develop a more humble mindset and bring it alive by giving others credit, admitting when you are wrong, expressing gratitude, practicing anonymous kindness, spending time with children, and other fulfilling actions.
  • Humility
    by Wikipedia Contributors
    This treasure trove of wisdom and quotes covers the role of humility in a comprehensive sweep of religious traditions. It also touches on philosophical perspectives, humility as a leadership trait, and the word's origins.
  • Humility Allows Us to Learn from Others
    by Henry Karlson
    We need humility in order to learn from those who have already seen the trials and temptations which are before us and who know how to overcome them. They can warn us through their own experience about the pitfalls ahead.
  • Humility – Huh? – What's It Good For
    by Scott Farrell
    Many people associate this quality incorrectly with the notion of "humiliation." But a humble fusion of personal strength and quiet assuredness goes right back to the true medieval definition of chivalry, even helping us be more resilient in defeat.
  • Humility Protects Us from Spiritual Deception
    by Henry Karlson
    Through humility, we do not attach great significance to our own thoughts and are willing to entertain other perspectives. Then we can receive spiritual direction from those who are not so caught up in the moment as we are.
  • The Paradox of Humility
    by Everett L. Worthington, Jr.
    Truly humble people see their accomplishments as important — particularly to the people whose needs were being met — but not important in the grand scheme of things. This is the essence of humility. Science can seek to describe it, but only the truly humble embody it by serving selflessly.
  • Passion and Virtue in Public Life
    by Richard L. Woods
    How might we think about political passion and religious conviction in ways that can foster healthy humility and thus democratic renewal? We need a balance of confidence and intellectual humility in order to create vigorous engagement in democratic public life.
  • Pope Francis and Intellectual Humility
    by Michele Dillon
    Pope Francis's personal humility is well publicized (e.g., his decision not to live in the apostolic palace but in less ostentatious lodgings, and to be driven around in a small Fiat). But his intellectual humility — open but not intimidated — may be even more admirable.
  • Pride and Humility
    by Thomas A. Tarrants, III
    Few of us realize how dangerous arrogance is to our souls and how greatly it hinders our intimacy with God and love for others. As we forsake pride and seek to humble ourselves by daily deliberate choices in dependence on the Holy Spirit, humility grows in our souls.
  • The Quiet Power of Humility
    by Peter Wehner
    Since humility is so out of fashion as to almost have been forgotten, it’s worth making the case for how to rightly understand it, to articulate why humility is not only an essential Christian virtue but also an essential civic one.
  • Relationship, Humility, Justice
    by Dawne Moon and Theresa W. Tobin
    People who have never been systematically shamed and stigmatized often reserve the word “pride” for arrogance or its other vicious forms. But humility includes having a realistic assessment of one’s strengths and worthiness as well as one’s limitations.
  • Replacing Arrogance with Humility
    by Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng
    In Islam, Takabbur (arrogance/pride) means to consider oneself superior to others. This malady is remedied by reflecting on the Splendor, Glory, and Majesty of the Most High and then respecting those whom one would otherwise have regarded as inferior.
  • 7 Ways to Tell if You're a Truly Humble Person
    by Lindsay Holmes
    The emphasis on humility in philosophy and religious texts shows that it deserves to be revered. Humility expresses itself in many ways, such as being conscientious, focusing energy on others, and knowing that good things lie ahead.