Robert Benson, a member of the lay ecumenical order Friends of Silence and of the Poor, calls humility the basic posture from which we are able to do the work necessary to build community in this excerpt from A Good Neighbor.

Ian Bogost, the Ivan Allen College Distinguished Chair in media studies and a professor of interactive computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, encourages us in this excerpt from Play Anything to establish a new relationship with our things based on play and humility.

Julie Davis, creator of the Happy Catholic blog and narrator at the Forgotten Classics podcast, interprets humility in this excerpt from Happy Catholic as asking for God's grace to make up for our deficiencies and acknowledging God’s good in bestowing our talents.

Suzanne Farnham and Timothy Grayson, who design programs for Listening Hearts Ministries, point to humility as an important element in discernment in this excerpt from Keeping in Tune with God.

Mary Margaret Funk, a Benedictine monk who is Former Executive Director of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, imagines a dialogue with Therese of Lisieux about humility in this excerpt from Humility Matters.

Michael Gellert, a Jungian analyst and humanities professor, calls forgiveness “possibly the greatest act of humility" in this excerpt from The Way of the Small.

Jason Gregory, a teacher and international speaker specializing in comparative religion and ancient cultures, attributes being open, tender, and peaceful to the practice of humility in this excerpt from The Science and Practice of Humility.

Philip Kapleau, a Zen roshi, writes in this excerpt from Awakening to Zen by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Rafe Martin about placing palms together to evoke feelings of humility.

Elizabeth Lesser, co-founder and senior adviser of Omega Institute, posits in this excerpt from Broken Open the need for vision and humility as one faces the woes of the world.

Jean Maalouf, a prolific author with a doctorate in philosophy, delightfully shares tales in this excerpt from Pope John XXIII of the pope’s ability to keep perspective in his God-given mission.

Sandra Maitri, a teacher of the enneagram in the United States and Europe, points out in this excerpt from The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues that humility is the recognition and acknowledgement of both our limitations and our capacities.

Lama Marut, a Buddhist monk and teacher, considers in this excerpt from Be Nobody how our greatest joy comes when we vacate ourselves and give ourselves over to something or someone else.

Christine Valters Paintner, the online abbess for Abbey of the Arts, describes humility in this excerpt from The Artist's Rule as telling the truth about our earthiness.

Lewis Richmond, a lineage holder in the tradition of Buddhist master Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, defines humility in this excerpt from A Whole Life's Work as “the inner reflection of the true Learner.”

Gretchen Rubin, an American author and speaker, maintains in this excerpt from The Happiness Project that giving positive reviews of our experience — to boost others’ happiness — requires humility.

Joel Schorn, a writer and editor in Chicago, conveys in this excerpt from Holy Simplicity the way that Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day, and Therese of Lisieux sustained the humble character of the little things.

Marilyn Sewell, former senior minister of the First Unitarian Church of Portland, Oregon, reminds us in this excerpt from A Little Book of Forgiveness that humility allows for the presence of the Holy in our lives.

Ragan Sutterfield, an ordained Episcopal priest, praises humility in this excerpt from Wendell Berry and the Given Life as returning us to the integrity of our humanity and acceptance of our creatureliness.

Bonnie B. Thurston, a Disciples of Christ minister, draws us beyond the unearthly false piety that tries to pass itself off as humility in this excerpt from Religious Vows, the Sermon on the Mount and Christian Living.

Jean M. Twenge, a psychologist researching generational differences, and W. Keith Campbell, a social psychologist researching narcissism, write about true humility as an antidote to narcissism in this excerpt from The Narcissism Epidemic.

Everett L. Worthington, Jr., a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology, observes in this excerpt from Humility, that we cannot fully reach humility by striving for it.