• A Celebration of Rumi
    Explore the gifts of the great Sufi mystic’s poetry, teachings, and personal witness. These readings about the life and significance of Rumi, plus video clips of poetry readings and meditations, speak to the universal yearning for a closer connection to the Divine; a spiritual vision that is at once sensual, celebratory and pensive; identification with nature and animals; embracing mystery; and most of all, love – in the way we treat our neighbors and in how we relate to the Holy One.
  • Humility
    Open a doorway to beauty, truth, learning, reconciliation, groundedness, community building, and life’s inexhaustible sweetness through humility. Through humility, we can let go of the stories we tell about ourselves, reach out to others with loving concern, and deepen our connection to the Divine. Book excerpts, prayers, quotes, teaching stories, and more expand our understanding of humility and its value.
  • Monasticism
    Consider experiencing the devotion of a monastic life as part of your spiritual journey. Books and movies about the life of monks, nuns, and lay people living a contemplative life offer a treasure trove of devotional opportunities and resources to help you practice the presence of God.