• Anniversary of 9/11
    Work with primal emotions that surface in response to specific tragedies or to the present global situation – fear, anger, worry, etc. This curated content for reflecting on the events of 9/11 will help you develop the spiritual impulses of compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, hospitality, hope, peace, and unity.
  • Progressive Christian Spirituality
    Enjoy a roundup of our content on the emerging trend of progressive Christianity, including a comprehensive A-Z offering of spiritual practices covering topics such as adversaries, a better world, devotion, faith, the fire of love, hope, hospitality, justice, kindness, mysticism, a new moral vision, resting in stillness, the way of wisdom, what churches could be, unity, zeal and more. These books, quotations, probes, stories, prayers, and more promote a vision characterized by such elements as nonexclusivity in our multifaith world, a priority of experience over belief, and spiritual literacy.