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Results for "practice: Imagination"
Fairy Tales: The Hidden Magic of Life On-Demand: Commentaries and practices for discovering what fairy tales reveal about the mysteries of the human experience.
E-Workshop: Children's Spirituality An e-workshop on how adults can help children grow spiritually and what they can learn from their children's spirituality.
Releasing the Contemplative in You Wisdom and practices revealing the role of reading and writing on a contemplative journey.
Seven Keys to an Innovative Life Improv, storytelling, integrating opposites, and other tools to live a more flexible life.
Pop Music Spirituality An e-course exploring touches of transcendence in popular music.
Myth and Psyche On-Demand: E-course on how myths are the powerful mysteries that infuse and shape our lives.
Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Moore Ways to care for your soul through teachings steeped in mythology, psychology, and philosophy.
Revelations of 12 Living Artists Insights from the lives and works of contemporary painters and sculptors.
Fairy Tales An exploration of the many metaphors and extended meanings in fairy tales.
Reframing A 21-day program on seeing things differently as you put your mind under new management.