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Results for "keyword: "spiritual literacy""
Crafting Your Own Religion How to work with time-honored elements to create a personal religion out of your own experience and inspiration.
Releasing the Contemplative in You Wisdom and practices revealing the role of reading and writing on a contemplative journey.
Fairy Tales An exploration of the many metaphors and extended meanings in fairy tales.
Everyday Mysticism A holiday season array of quotes about contemplation, communion, and doing our part to mend the world.
Gifts of a Scarred Soul An e-course on how the spiritual challenge of struggle transforms us.
A Month of Eckhart (May 1 - 31) Poetic revoicings of the writings of mystic Meister Eckhart with commentaries and related practices.
The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence An opportunity to develop a deeper, more authentic spiritual practice, leading to clarified insight about what you are being called to do.
The Transformation of Suffering Soul-stirring meditations on art and other practices for an intentional journey during Lent.
Pilgrimage as a Journey of the Heart An exploration of many dimensions of pilgrimages for those called to the journey today.
Poetry to Nourish the Soul A month's worth of poems to deepen your sense of peace, balance, love, and joy.