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Results for "practice: You"
Twenty Strategies for Healing Recovering life's wholeness and holiness.
Living Your Legacy: Seeds, Blossoms, Fruits Ways to be intentional about the legacy you live and leave to your family, colleagues, and community.
Infusing Your Life with Creativity Reclaiming creative expression as a natural way of being.
Spiritual Elder Activism An e-course for those who want to synthesize their life experiences into a legacy for future generations.
The Mindful Life An e-course on how to bring the practice of mindfulness into everyday activities.
ReStorying Your Life Guidance through "life review" of your history, grief and gratitude, present path, and legacy.
Practicing Spirituality with Taoists Encouragement to lead a more balanced, energetic, resilient, and respectful life.
The Way of the Spiritually Independent An email retreat for the growing number of seekers without borders drawn to wisdom wherever it may be found.
Cultivating Contentment Spiritual wisdom and practices on being content with who you are and where you are in your life.
Navigating Life's Transitions Understandings, practices, and rituals to support you through life changes.