Reviews Search Results

We found 38 matching reviews
Enlighten Up! A Skeptic's Journey into...Yoga
A thought-provoking documentary that provides an up-close and personal look at the quest for spiritual meaning in yoga.
Dying to Know
A pensive documentary shedding light on death and dying, inner space exploration and the sweet fragility of life
The Mystic's Journey with Huston Smith
Explores the riches of the spiritual traditions of Sufism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Hinduism.
A Human Search: The Life of Father Bede Griffiths
An intimate documentary portrait of Father Bede Griffiths, a pioneer in the exploration of interspirituality.
The History and Interpretation of the Bible
Father Bede Griffiths challenges us to read the Scriptures in the context of the Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoims and the Sufi myths.
Global Spirit - Sacred Travel: The Pilgrimage Experience
Phil Cousineau in conversation with Pico Iyer and Zoila Mendoza about the meaning and experience of a religious pilgrimage.
Sacred Journeys with Bruce Feiler
A six-part series that focuses on the motivations and reactions of pilgrims at sacred places around the world.
Bill Moyers: The Wisdom of Faith with Huston Smith
A lively series about wisdom traditions and religion's path into the future.