Search Results

Results for "keyword: "A Celebration of Rumi", latest_content: 1"
Grateful A description of a high school graduation as an arena of thanksgiving.
The Empathic Civilization Jeremy Rifkin on empathy as a pathway to our common humanity.
Desert Voices Meditations on three children's books that encourage wonder and awe.
The Music of Strangers A rounded and rousing look at the talented Silk Road Ensemble musical collective.
How to Bury a Goldfish A down-to-earth and creative collection of 140 family and household rituals.
Menashe An authentic and endearing portrait of an oddball in his Brooklyn Hasidic community.
Prayer Seeds A to-be-treasured resource of prayers that serve as seeds of new life.
Joy in Every Moment A celebration of joy packed with quotes, exercises, and practices.
Life-Cycle Ceremonies A top-drawer collection of ceremonies to mark the private and public dimensions of our lives.
Bulldozer's Big Day A charming story about having big expectations.