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Results for "keyword: %22poetry%22"
Exploring Selected Poems of Walt Whitman and Maya Angelou Practicing democracy through the wisdom of two highly acclaimed U.S. poets.
Poetry to Lift Your Spirits A month's worth of poems celebrating an upwelling of life and spirit.
Poetry in Quest of Courage Thirty-one poems to restore your reservoirs of courage.
Poetry E-Courses Poems, commentaries, and suggested practices to start the New Year — or any time.
Poetry to Renew Your Heart Poems exploring the secret of life that leads to renewal.
Releasing the Contemplative in You Wisdom and practices revealing the role of reading and writing on a contemplative journey.
We the People Book Club Twelve books exploring themes of democracy.
Poetry to Nourish the Soul A month's worth of poems to deepen your sense of peace, balance, love, and joy.
Living with Beauty Reflections on beauty's transforming possibilities, even in times of darkness and tragedy.
Thomas Keating's The Secret Embrace Reflections on Thomas Keating's eight final poems.