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Results for "keyword: %22things%22"
Treating Inanimate Things with Courtesy and Caring In his blog, Edward Hays notes that the Alaskan Yupitt Indian people have a bigger world than we do since they interact with nature and inanimate objects with reverence and caring. For instance, if …
Car Miracles and Prayers God appears to be very active in our cars. Christine Wicker, in an article on, shares some of the "miracles" people have told her about their automobiles. Some talk about angels …
A Prayer for Cargo Ship Crews All Seeing One, we are so grateful for the largely ignored and unheralded services of millions of people who work aboard the cargo ships that bring us our food, clothes, and other goods we use every…
This Changes Everything Heard about the Internet's creepy next wave? If you haven't, Sue Halpern's coverage of four recent books on the subject gives you a front-row seat on the spectacle that is slowly and quietly unfoldi…
The Sufi Practice of Adab In these adversarial times when most people are too busy or rushed to practice manners or respect for others, Sufis are the finest ambassadors of civility that we have come across. Those on this mys…
Return of the Light Last year I wrote about how I had trouble marking the holidays and found myself in limbo after the New Year. Going into this year's holiday season I once again was not feeling inspired or excited ab…
Everything Changes Literary Wisdom Small service is usually true service. — William Wordsworth, nineteenth century English poet
The New Sharing Economy In the, Sandy Banks writes about how she first heard about the sharing economy. Her daughter was able to travel cheap in Europe by going online each day and finding a couch at a …
Loving God by Knowing Many Things The immensely talented artist Vincent Van Gogh wrote a letter to his brother Theo in which he spoke from his heart: "I think that the best way to know God is to love many things." In a sensitive and…
50 Years of the Same Street In our book Spiritual Literacy, we recounted a scene from the movie Smoke. Auggie owns a cigar store in Brooklyn and every morning at 8 a.m., he takes a photograph of his special place on Earth from…