Search Results

Results for "main_practice: "Teachers", latest_content: 1"
The Teacher's Lounge Portrait of a school in crisis that mirrors clashes in the larger society between authorities in power and those accused of wrongdoing.
Becoming Nobody An interview with the renowned spiritual teacher on the really big questions of life.
Hesburgh Fascinating documentary about a religious leader who was a master of human relations.
The Mustang Uplifting story about how a wild mustang becomes a spiritual teacher to an emotionally shut-down man.
Springsteen on Broadway A breathtaking personal tribute by the songwriter/storyteller to the spirituality of place, relationships, and service.
The Fencer A celebration of the ethical goodness and heroic acts of a teacher.
School Life A thoroughly entertaining documentary set in an Irish prep school where two eccentric teachers draw out the students' creativity
Talent Has Hunger An entertaining documentary on the master cello teacher Paul Katz and his talented students.
Gurukulam A documentary about the everyday spirituality of chores and devotions at an ashram in southern India.
Among the Believers A riveting documentary that explains the educational systems and violent changes that are rocking Pakistan.